+49 221 33 77 23-0
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kubiciel Attorneys Pointing towards
your solution

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kubiciel

Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
ComplianceCapital Market
Criminal Law


Professor Kubiciel is Of-Counsel at Tsambikakis & Partner and a university professor at the university of Augsburg. His main fields of work are the Criminal Law concerning companies, criminal law questions related to corruption and Medical Criminal Law, as well as (e)-Sports Criminal Law. He also researches the implications of national and European Constitutional Law on regulations secured with criminal penalties. He is available for individual mandates as assistance of legal counsel for witnesses and as a Criminal Defence Attorney; Professor Kubiciel also has long years of experience in policy consultation. As a co-author of the “Kölner Entwurf (the “Cologne Draft”)”, he has contributed significantly to the modern German law governing the sanctions for associations.

Special Qualifications
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kubiciel  

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kubiciel

University Professor  |  Of Counsel Ekubiciel@tsambikakis.com
T+49 221 33 77 23-0
F+49 221 33 77 23-23

Languages: German, English V-Card